On going projects
- Baseline Characterization of the Status and Trends of Non-native Marine Species in the Red Sea and Arabian Gulf.
Biodiversity & Ecosystem Management Lab (KAUST) in collaboration with KAUST Beacon Development, Marine Department - Evaluation of the genetic structure of the striped king mackerel, Scomberomorus commerson, in Saudi Arabia using microsatellites.
KAUST Beacon Development, Fisheries Department - Creation of a barcoding database for marine species of economic interest in Saudi waters.
KAUST Beacon Development, Fisheries Department
Past projects
- 2019-2023 Investigating the Mascarene reef cryptobiome using Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structures (ARMS) coupled with molecular ecology approaches. PhD project at UMR ENTROPIE, Univeristé de La Réunion
- 2021-2022 Creation of a barcoding dataset for the Mascarenes crytobiome.
UMR ENTROPIE, Univeristé de La Réunion - 2019 Trophic ecology of the marine green turtles in South-west Indian Ocean.
CEDTM - 2018 Contributions of eco-acoustics and other monitoring methods to the management of coral reefs in the French Scattered Islands.
UMR ENTROPIE, Univeristé de La Réunion in collaboration with French Southern and Antarctic Territories (TAAF)